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Polynomials with at least one integer root
Problem 269
Published on 19 December 2009 at 09:00 am [Server Time]
A root or zero of a polynomial P(x) is a solution to the equation P(x) = 0.
Define Pn as the polynomial whose coefficients are the digits of n.
For example, P5703(x) = 5x3 + 7x2 + 3.
We can see that:
- Pn(0) is the last digit of n,
- Pn(1) is the sum of the digits of n,
- Pn(10) is n itself.
Define Z(k) as the number of positive integers, n, not exceeding k for which the polynomial Pn has at least one integer root.
It can be verified that Z(100 000) is 14696.
What is Z(1016)?
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