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Pseudo-Fortunate Numbers
Problem 293
Published on 22 May 2010 at 05:00 am [Server Time]
An even positive integer N will be called admissible, if it is a power of 2 or its distinct prime factors are consecutive primes.
The first twelve admissible numbers are 2,4,6,8,12,16,18,24,30,32,36,48.
If N is admissible, the smallest integer M > 1 such that N+M is prime, will be called the pseudo-Fortunate number for N.
For example, N=630 is admissible since it is even and its distinct prime factors are the consecutive primes 2,3,5 and 7.
The next prime number after 631 is 641; hence, the pseudo-Fortunate number for 630 is M=11.
It can also be seen that the pseudo-Fortunate number for 16 is 3.
Find the sum of all distinct pseudo-Fortunate numbers for admissible numbers N less than 109.
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